Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Green Campus Computing

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Another campaign purused by my Management Information System school mates. I like this campaign since it promotes and encourages the students in every campus to be active in taking care or conserving our environment through many 'computing ' simple ways.
We all know, that technology seems to contrasting environment because the high technology scratches off every tree from the forest, or it contributes much with the greenhouse effect were experiencing. But with this campaign, computing is giving back what it has taken or damaged to somehow ease everything up.


randy said...

daghan salamat s campaign ...pls include our FOSS campaign ..hheheh

rejserenity said...

aw.. weeeh.! one thing bout GCC also is the energy conservation.. this is a simple concept yet applicable and should be done by the USePians

April said...

This is a great campaign. I really support this. I hope more people will support. Go. God Bless.

Etz Thonio said...

this is a campaign that we, people in the IT industry, should support because i know this will go a long way...

good design..

Anonymous said...

wow....this campaign really helps our
mother earth...Actually I'm one of her schoolmates doing this campaign..Honestly I really love this campaign and FOSS. It really matters.

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