Sunday, August 17, 2008

Reviewing articles of classmates on various research topics

Sunday, August 17, 2008
With this assignment, I chose to review the work of Ms. Regina Abadilla. The research works or articles she had presented were indeed interesting and all of which are very relevant and beneficial to all concerned. The very article from Ms. Abadilla’s posts that I have chosen is about the: Studying and Treating Schizophrenia Using Virtual Reality: A New Paradigm.From what I have understood in the post, the article is about introducing a new way in treating a mental disorder which is a very serious matter to have one. ‘Schizophrenia, it is a psychotic disorders characterized by distortions of reality and disturbances of thought and language and withdrawal from social contact.’ I am very glad that Computer Science research has shed some light and paid attention to the many of the serious mental illnesses anyone could have. According to the article posted, through Virtual Reality, it would likely bring more chances to treat a schizophrenic with its features and significant factors employed with it. I could define Virtual Reality just basing from my own perception, that it is an imaginary or false reality that is just man-made to develop a new dimension no one can encounter in the real world. So I think, with the Virtual Reality approach be given to help those mentally disabled out there, it will be possible to lessen the percentage of mental disorders our world is experiencing right now. Health is a very important matter we should always consider of importance.


mae said...

innovation of technology really gives a big help in the society.

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