Lots of ideas has already transpired or conceived several years back or some are still fresh on what would be the face of the future technology. Conceiving ideas for the future developments on different technologies and other stuffs is a very interesting thing to be doing maybe that explains why many forms of the coming future emerged, some are certain to be on the coming future and some still remaining as imaginations. For all we know the future technology would bring us to total doom or bring us to total satisfaction and convenience. It just could either be the two options depending on what new technologies we would be embracing not for long that will reshape humanity. Hopefully, all of these would lessen the continuously compounding threats we know and the problems we need to have resolve badly. What could really possibly be the face of the future technology? How advance it would be for the upcoming years? And how greatly would these more advanced technologies in the coming future affect people’s lives? These are just few of the direct questions many are curious about alongside the curiosity of what is next and what is new in terms of technology.
Who knew what would be the exact face of the next technology and what will be the next “in” “techy” device for the “techy” ones but predictions on how advance technology would be could be seen on different web sites over the internet posted by science fiction writers, futurist and technology experts and you could say that one day would not be enough for you to view all of those predicted faces of future technologies if you would really get yourself into it. The predicted technologies are of course sorted out categorically some of which are Artificial intelligence, biotechnology, chemistry, metropolis, communication, computers, environment, electronics, energy, homes, nanotechnology, physics, robotics, space, transportation and society. We all know that these things that are pre conceived are mere fruit of what people really needs. Out of these needs, things are newly developed; some are improved out of its disadvantages and that is to satisfy our never ending needs and to make our life style a whole lot better than it is and to solve problems major ones specifically, hoping that they could make a breakthrough or do something so great that has never been done before to improve how we live. These new technologies does not just pop up directly on the time it was introduced and also have been actually engineered for that same time. New technologies that are to be are actually starting on its way to us. Pre conception of these technologies is already the initial step in creating it. Experts are already doing a research on these various things that may or may not help elevate our life styles. As they say, research today, reality tomorrow and that which could only mean that these predictions will not remain as predictions that long.
I saw a future history timeline on a-jrmooneyham.com-original and it shows the general outline of the possible future and is said to be somewhat conservative and constrained in what it offers the readers. The timeline is meant to be the 'harder' (or more factual/credible) of the two works, in terms of science and predictions. But this also indicates that the said timeline must be more comprehensive, more risk-averse-- and also recede entirely as we speculate into the deep, deep future, where everything must ultimately give way to extreme presumption (partly due to technology advancing to levels indistinguishable from magic, as a famous quote by scientist and author Arthur C. Clarke implies).
2009 AD-2017 AD: The net reshapes the world; 'perfect' organ replacements for the wealthy; contagious insanity; the introduction of 'second skins'; and the rise of the vigilantes
‘The internet seeps into our lives and starts to fundamentally reshaping our institutions, even as breakthroughs in other fields assure fundamental changes in living standards and all future human endeavor; personal computing gets more powerful even as costs drop further; net users in the developed nations are becoming increasingly isolated in terms of typical historical human interaction; the first crude 'second skin' applications arrive; some forms of insanity and other surprising afflictions prove to be literally contagious; the danger of mass effect biochemical weapons use peaks for most developed states; the wealthy enjoy 'perfect' organ replacements; there are significant increases in the numbers of people taking to the sea to live and work; vigilante organizations rise in prominence and influence.’
2018 AD-2025 AD: Consumer robotics and personal virtual realities go mainstream
‘Personal virtual realities are taking marketshare from TV, radio, films, and other media; near paperless offices, wireless appliances becoming the norm; consumer robotics go mainstream; do-it-yourself medical care becoming ever more practical and effective for many ailments; adequate hardware to support human level intelligence at consumer level prices becomes available (but suitable software remains elusive).’
2026 AD-2049 AD: Accelerated environmental decline, increased religious conflict, and a wholesale plunge into VR by citizens in the developed nations (to escape mounting stresses)
‘The emergence of the 'Bounty Economy'; rampant identity theft and other cybercrimes lead to the first and most important privacy vs. security issues being resolved; substantial religion-related conflict erupts; budgetary priorities undergo fierce turf fights in the developed nations, with education and other consumer services usually winning; the human senses are technologically expanded in wondrous new ways; the final elements fall into place to allow software-based human level intelligence to become widely available; 98% of all cancers become curable; mini-subs and STOL/VTOL warplanes (both unmanned) are the cutting edge of warfare; tactical nuclear, biological, and space-based weapons use in conflicts not uncommon; traditional aircraft carriers now obsolete; troops enjoy numerous micromachine-based aids and supplements; environmental decline due to pollution, accidents, terrorism, war, and excessive harvests becomes alarmingly obvious now, but business continues to actively lobby governments for minimal regulatory remedies.’
Other predicted future technologies of all sorts or categories include:
• More intelligent machines
• Computers that predict the future
• Extended/eternal life
• Manipulating DNA
• Growing organs
• Designer babies
• Emotion control devices
• Downloading memories/brain
• Dream control device
• Super lubricant
• Underground cities
• Entire world is one city
• Wireless everything
• Telepathy
• Quantum computers
• Self editing software
• Weather control
• Nano devices
Airgo: Measures The Harmful Particles In The Air That You Breathe
This new concept device is used to create awareness amongst the people regarding the global warming and its effects. The device measures the harmful contents present in the air, thus letting the user know of the air that they breathe and hence leading them to be a responsible citizens. The device can be purchased off the shelf in fashionable stores and the manufacturers have given the universally acceptable white color, thus it can easily go off as a fashion accessory and making a personal statement of its own. Add to that the fact that it has a recyclable consequently completing the cycle.
Photonic computing
It offers many advantages over its electronic counterpart. For one thing, light can be switched on and off much faster than electricity, allowing far higher digital data rates. In addition, light is much more energy efficient and less prone to pulse degradation, especially over long distances. Finally, crosstalk is eliminated because there are no electromagnetic fields arising from different current paths to interact with each other. However, these advantages do not come cheap. Ironically, the lack of interaction between photons means that the technology to manipulate them is more sophisticated than its electronic equivalent. And photonics is in its infancy, with critical breakthroughs appearing only in the last few years.
Controlling Weather Trends
Scientists start to develop better systems to predict and monitor the weather. Some are already discussing attacking them as they form or figuring out ways to steer them to uninhabited or low-density population shorelines to protect from major catastrophes like Super Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Think on this and the future of our civilization; A world safe from Hurricanes. Controlling the weather patterns will require some skill, some talent, large collected databases, supercomputer number crunching and lots of trial and error. We will also need to let lose of some of the current mathematics we use to track weather in trade for multi-stacked equational computational analysis or a different type of math based on a new type of science. As scientists and researchers will learn there will be places where weather is easily studied and relatively easily controllable using very little energy and using the actual wind currents with minor changes in certain situations, which are made possible by the terrain itself.
Future cars
Cars of the future will be intelligent, fuel efficient, zero emission vehicles. Vehicles will communicate with each other, with the road and with traffic signals. Sensors will help you navigate through bad weather and warn you of a possible collision. They will also let you know if you are getting drowsy or straying from your lane.
Based from what I have seen by surfing through the internet about the possible emerging technologies and what face will it have for the next years to come, I could see that each of those technologies will take the humanity life style to another level and which is obviously the primary objectives of the developers. Another level to convenience, more environment-friendly technologies, powerful devices that come in small packages, medical breakthroughs that can cure and prevent disorders that are seem to be a headache for many doctors, controlling the weather are few of those predicted technologies to mention. For me, they are all really amazing and sure thing we would really want those predictions to come to reality. I am not really a “techy” person or the like that really awaits new introduced technologies and avail it for the reasons that I can’t seem to purchase one because of the price and also I don’t want to worry myself to really own one just to be “in” since everyone seems to have it already. As of now, I could say the most “techy” device that I own right now is a Nokia6230 model mobile phone which is just a hand-me-down from my father and we have one desktop computer at home. I am not totally ignorant of the new technologies as they go “in” for the people because I would just happen to know someone who owns one and I can help myself familiarize with it by just borrowing. But there are also negative impacts brought by these future technologies that are also way too scary such as technology over ruling humanity, more radiation emission which is a total threat to every one’s health, destructive devices that could wipe out a whole city in a small amount of time. For the question on how would I prepare myself with the upcoming technologies the amazing and scary ones, as an IT person or a professional someday hopefully, I would opt to support emerging technologies being developed that are less destructive to humanity, although it may bring some convenience and satisfaction to us, the bigger impact should be viewed and prioritized more to prevent further damage. Technology could not always be the direct cause of the either good or bad effects it can give since we made those technologies and we react to those technologies too. It only means that it is also up to the society to bring humanity to its doom-ness or to live in convenience forever. How the technology builds up and needed by the society is dependable to us. As an individual, I will totally be on the good side and not become one of the factors of making technology destructive to humanity possible. And that is not to be total “techy” geek (I hope), I would still attach myself to the norms and values we are all usually covered with and to help the world become the world that it is supposed to be and not the one that is made up of chips, metal and all sorts. It just a matter of choice for the society to make the technology as good as it is or bad as it is.
Who knew what would be the exact face of the next technology and what will be the next “in” “techy” device for the “techy” ones but predictions on how advance technology would be could be seen on different web sites over the internet posted by science fiction writers, futurist and technology experts and you could say that one day would not be enough for you to view all of those predicted faces of future technologies if you would really get yourself into it. The predicted technologies are of course sorted out categorically some of which are Artificial intelligence, biotechnology, chemistry, metropolis, communication, computers, environment, electronics, energy, homes, nanotechnology, physics, robotics, space, transportation and society. We all know that these things that are pre conceived are mere fruit of what people really needs. Out of these needs, things are newly developed; some are improved out of its disadvantages and that is to satisfy our never ending needs and to make our life style a whole lot better than it is and to solve problems major ones specifically, hoping that they could make a breakthrough or do something so great that has never been done before to improve how we live. These new technologies does not just pop up directly on the time it was introduced and also have been actually engineered for that same time. New technologies that are to be are actually starting on its way to us. Pre conception of these technologies is already the initial step in creating it. Experts are already doing a research on these various things that may or may not help elevate our life styles. As they say, research today, reality tomorrow and that which could only mean that these predictions will not remain as predictions that long.
I saw a future history timeline on a-jrmooneyham.com-original and it shows the general outline of the possible future and is said to be somewhat conservative and constrained in what it offers the readers. The timeline is meant to be the 'harder' (or more factual/credible) of the two works, in terms of science and predictions. But this also indicates that the said timeline must be more comprehensive, more risk-averse-- and also recede entirely as we speculate into the deep, deep future, where everything must ultimately give way to extreme presumption (partly due to technology advancing to levels indistinguishable from magic, as a famous quote by scientist and author Arthur C. Clarke implies).
2009 AD-2017 AD: The net reshapes the world; 'perfect' organ replacements for the wealthy; contagious insanity; the introduction of 'second skins'; and the rise of the vigilantes
‘The internet seeps into our lives and starts to fundamentally reshaping our institutions, even as breakthroughs in other fields assure fundamental changes in living standards and all future human endeavor; personal computing gets more powerful even as costs drop further; net users in the developed nations are becoming increasingly isolated in terms of typical historical human interaction; the first crude 'second skin' applications arrive; some forms of insanity and other surprising afflictions prove to be literally contagious; the danger of mass effect biochemical weapons use peaks for most developed states; the wealthy enjoy 'perfect' organ replacements; there are significant increases in the numbers of people taking to the sea to live and work; vigilante organizations rise in prominence and influence.’
2018 AD-2025 AD: Consumer robotics and personal virtual realities go mainstream
‘Personal virtual realities are taking marketshare from TV, radio, films, and other media; near paperless offices, wireless appliances becoming the norm; consumer robotics go mainstream; do-it-yourself medical care becoming ever more practical and effective for many ailments; adequate hardware to support human level intelligence at consumer level prices becomes available (but suitable software remains elusive).’
2026 AD-2049 AD: Accelerated environmental decline, increased religious conflict, and a wholesale plunge into VR by citizens in the developed nations (to escape mounting stresses)
‘The emergence of the 'Bounty Economy'; rampant identity theft and other cybercrimes lead to the first and most important privacy vs. security issues being resolved; substantial religion-related conflict erupts; budgetary priorities undergo fierce turf fights in the developed nations, with education and other consumer services usually winning; the human senses are technologically expanded in wondrous new ways; the final elements fall into place to allow software-based human level intelligence to become widely available; 98% of all cancers become curable; mini-subs and STOL/VTOL warplanes (both unmanned) are the cutting edge of warfare; tactical nuclear, biological, and space-based weapons use in conflicts not uncommon; traditional aircraft carriers now obsolete; troops enjoy numerous micromachine-based aids and supplements; environmental decline due to pollution, accidents, terrorism, war, and excessive harvests becomes alarmingly obvious now, but business continues to actively lobby governments for minimal regulatory remedies.’
Other predicted future technologies of all sorts or categories include:
• More intelligent machines
• Computers that predict the future
• Extended/eternal life
• Manipulating DNA
• Growing organs
• Designer babies
• Emotion control devices
• Downloading memories/brain
• Dream control device
• Super lubricant
• Underground cities
• Entire world is one city
• Wireless everything
• Telepathy
• Quantum computers
• Self editing software
• Weather control
• Nano devices
Airgo: Measures The Harmful Particles In The Air That You Breathe
This new concept device is used to create awareness amongst the people regarding the global warming and its effects. The device measures the harmful contents present in the air, thus letting the user know of the air that they breathe and hence leading them to be a responsible citizens. The device can be purchased off the shelf in fashionable stores and the manufacturers have given the universally acceptable white color, thus it can easily go off as a fashion accessory and making a personal statement of its own. Add to that the fact that it has a recyclable consequently completing the cycle.
Photonic computing
It offers many advantages over its electronic counterpart. For one thing, light can be switched on and off much faster than electricity, allowing far higher digital data rates. In addition, light is much more energy efficient and less prone to pulse degradation, especially over long distances. Finally, crosstalk is eliminated because there are no electromagnetic fields arising from different current paths to interact with each other. However, these advantages do not come cheap. Ironically, the lack of interaction between photons means that the technology to manipulate them is more sophisticated than its electronic equivalent. And photonics is in its infancy, with critical breakthroughs appearing only in the last few years.
Controlling Weather Trends
Scientists start to develop better systems to predict and monitor the weather. Some are already discussing attacking them as they form or figuring out ways to steer them to uninhabited or low-density population shorelines to protect from major catastrophes like Super Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Think on this and the future of our civilization; A world safe from Hurricanes. Controlling the weather patterns will require some skill, some talent, large collected databases, supercomputer number crunching and lots of trial and error. We will also need to let lose of some of the current mathematics we use to track weather in trade for multi-stacked equational computational analysis or a different type of math based on a new type of science. As scientists and researchers will learn there will be places where weather is easily studied and relatively easily controllable using very little energy and using the actual wind currents with minor changes in certain situations, which are made possible by the terrain itself.
Future cars
Cars of the future will be intelligent, fuel efficient, zero emission vehicles. Vehicles will communicate with each other, with the road and with traffic signals. Sensors will help you navigate through bad weather and warn you of a possible collision. They will also let you know if you are getting drowsy or straying from your lane.
Based from what I have seen by surfing through the internet about the possible emerging technologies and what face will it have for the next years to come, I could see that each of those technologies will take the humanity life style to another level and which is obviously the primary objectives of the developers. Another level to convenience, more environment-friendly technologies, powerful devices that come in small packages, medical breakthroughs that can cure and prevent disorders that are seem to be a headache for many doctors, controlling the weather are few of those predicted technologies to mention. For me, they are all really amazing and sure thing we would really want those predictions to come to reality. I am not really a “techy” person or the like that really awaits new introduced technologies and avail it for the reasons that I can’t seem to purchase one because of the price and also I don’t want to worry myself to really own one just to be “in” since everyone seems to have it already. As of now, I could say the most “techy” device that I own right now is a Nokia6230 model mobile phone which is just a hand-me-down from my father and we have one desktop computer at home. I am not totally ignorant of the new technologies as they go “in” for the people because I would just happen to know someone who owns one and I can help myself familiarize with it by just borrowing. But there are also negative impacts brought by these future technologies that are also way too scary such as technology over ruling humanity, more radiation emission which is a total threat to every one’s health, destructive devices that could wipe out a whole city in a small amount of time. For the question on how would I prepare myself with the upcoming technologies the amazing and scary ones, as an IT person or a professional someday hopefully, I would opt to support emerging technologies being developed that are less destructive to humanity, although it may bring some convenience and satisfaction to us, the bigger impact should be viewed and prioritized more to prevent further damage. Technology could not always be the direct cause of the either good or bad effects it can give since we made those technologies and we react to those technologies too. It only means that it is also up to the society to bring humanity to its doom-ness or to live in convenience forever. How the technology builds up and needed by the society is dependable to us. As an individual, I will totally be on the good side and not become one of the factors of making technology destructive to humanity possible. And that is not to be total “techy” geek (I hope), I would still attach myself to the norms and values we are all usually covered with and to help the world become the world that it is supposed to be and not the one that is made up of chips, metal and all sorts. It just a matter of choice for the society to make the technology as good as it is or bad as it is.
i know everything that foresee from the past will happen in the future.. however.. everything tends to change...
yah.. definitely the next technology would affect the humanity.^^
Top scientists say revolutionary clean power climate control project will reduce dangerous weather and improve the lives of billions of people.
Climatologists, biologists and physicists from all corners of the globe agree that U.S. based Gravitational Systems, L.L.C.'s revolutionary clean power climate control project INDRA will improve the lives of billions of people around the world. Concerns have been raised about the projects impact on biodiversity as deserts are terraformed to rainforests.
Gare Henderson, director of research and development for Gravitational Systems, L.L.C. ( a clean power developer), explains that the INDRA project, a proposed network of specialized evaporation channels moving sea water from the oceans toward the deserts, will convert world deserts into biodiverse rainforests. Deserts which cover 1/3 of all dry land will be terraformed into productive land. The INDRA systems will give mankind control of the weather, ending dangerous storms such as hurricanes, typhoons, tornadoes, and dry heat waves within a decade. Vast rivers can be turned on and off in hours, and reservoirs and salt marshes drained or replenished in days. The increased bio-mass of the terraformed deserts will begin to reverse both global warming and thermal sea level rise. UNFCCC cap and trade certification of the INDRA project will allow individuals and business to fund the plan through carbon offsets. The initial projects will be targeted north American, and north African deserts.
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