Saturday, December 6, 2008

Do I really exist?

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Last Saturday was our continuation for FUTUREtech proposals presentation and I was unfortunately late and I really should have gone faster to school because it didn’t do me any good. I really couldn’t move as breezy as I can because my menstrual cramp is totally killing me for the past few days. I got into the spotlight for being late and unluckily there was another problem on our plate. Our ‘past’ technology presentation should be on Monday, but things were not actually prepared as they should have, making the presentation quite impossible to proceed on the said date. We were again in a tight space, and RSG gave us a quote saying, "I think, therefore I exist". We were asked one-by-one to say something relating the quote to the current situation of our presentation. I really didn’t understand what I should be saying because I was late, but after hearing more talks from my classmate and RSG, it was clear that in relation to our current state wherein we could not be able to do the diorama display on Monday, RSG wanted to point to us, I guess, that are we really existing and are we really thinking, ‘coz if we were, the matter at hand shouldn’t have been there at all. I dread the statement from RSG that honestly, he doesn’t that have much trust on our class anymore. And he is totally right that breaking and earning a trust is not that easy anymore. I have gone through that stage and I can say it is not a good thing to play on someone’s trust. Again, we have been a failure and I can see in RSG, a thread of losing hope for us. I hope not. He gave us one shot to prove ourselves, and move everything for next year. My answer to that quote, as an individual group, is that I am thinking and I do exist, because we have done our diorama as fast as we could to be able to present it on Monday, but as for the whole class, I wasn’t thinking that we should help the assigned group to prepare for the displays and that the whole class should be really helping each other and I partly didn’t exist in the part in making the presentation possible for next week.


kenneth said...

of course you are...

Anonymous said...

Your d only one who can answer the question because if you would say physically you really exist but somehow... this is dependent on your innate conscience if you are really thinking... im sure you dont want to be "i exist therefore i am thinking", dont you?..

rejserenity said...

of course we really exist., sir just wants us to realize the deeper meaning of existence.^^

nhorms said...

of course you just that our existence have corresponding responsibility.

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